Abdominal cleaning
is of 2 types - one with water to be used as a flushing method and
the other is to get rid of excess food. These 2 techniques are named
Jala Kunjal which uses water and the other is called Vyaghra Kunjal
which just removes the excess food.
We shall deal with
the former - the Jala Kunjal - as this has important benefits to
many of the common ailments suffered today.
This technique owes
its origin to yoga. Yogis discovered that just as the skin must
be cleaned to make it breathe effectively, so too the internal organs
of the body such as the stomach be cleaned to make them work more
So, how is the stomach
cleaned? The first thing in the morning when the stomach is empty
about 6-8 cups of water are had at a go and then the far end of
the tongue is pressed to stimulate the vomiting reflex. This results
in the water being expelled out through this back-flushing. It takes
just a few seconds and the stomach is cleaned creating a light and
refreshed feeling.
In this entire process,
the pyloric sphincter plays an important role. This sphincter is
located at the end of the stomach to prevent the food that has passed
the stomach from coming back up into it. However, it sometimes opens
if the digestion is inadequate so that the stomach can re-digest
the food.
This technique controls
the opening of this sphincter to "prime" the working of the stomach
and the mucus linings of the oesophagus which may have become sluggish
over time.